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The Role of Micronutrients While Fasting and Why They Matter

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The Role of Micronutrients While Fasting and Why They Matter
The Role of Micronutrients While Fasting and Why They Matter


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Hi there, this is Katia Sochka, Founder of Fasting Aid.

You're into intermittent fasting, right? You've experienced those moments during fasting when your body screams for food, and it feels like your energy is running on empty. You're not alone. The world of intermittent fasting can be both wonderful and tough, and like you, I've faced my share of challenges. But along this path, I've discovered a crucial element that can transform fasting into a smoother, more enjoyable journey—supplements.


The Debate: To Supplement or Not to Supplement?

Before we continue, let's address the ongoing debate: are supplements beneficial or detrimental during fasting? There are varying opinions on whether complete nutrient absence is necessary for optimal fasting benefits or if certain supplements can enhance the experience. The truth lies in the nuances of your unique biology, fasting goals, and the duration of your fast.

One thing is certain: supplements wield the potential to elevate physical well-being. At Fasting Aid, our philosophy is straightforward. If supplements contribute to your well-being during fasting, making it a more sustainable practice, then they are worth exploring. We believe in a "one step at a time" approach. First, establish fasting as a daily practice. If supplements aid in this journey, they are likely doing more good than harm. Only then should you venture into more advanced biohacking approaches such as autophagy, deep ketosis, and prolonged fasts.


Unlocking the Power of Nutrients

Micronutrients are the catalysts of life. They are sort of “behind the scene” heroes controlling cellular processes, chemical reactions, and biological functions. They help create energy, regulate mood and appetite, support clear thinking, you name it. Without these micronutrients, everything from energy production to immune defense and even your mental clarity could come to a standstill.

And while having minor imbalances doesn’t mean you will get all (or some) of these symptoms, more serious imbalances may lead to:

  • Fatigue
  • Uncontrollable hunger
  • Dehydration
  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Lack of focus
  • Muscle cramping
  • Poor mood
  • Dry mouth
  • Poor concentration


So what causes these imbalances that affect a fast?

Understanding this requires a closer look into what causes these imbalances.

Assuming you've had a chat with your healthcare provider and there are no underlying medical conditions, there are several reasons why nutrient imbalances can make fasting challenging. While it takes time for the body to adjust to a new eating habit, it's important to consider factors that contribute to nutrient imbalances that can make fasting a tad more challenging than expected.


Pre-Existing Imbalances

If our fasting journey starts with nutrient imbalances, it can be quite a bumpy ride. Unlike micronutrient deficiencies, which lead to clinically evident symptoms, micronutrient inadequacies might cause hidden symptoms that are quite difficult to be identified. The consequences of these imbalances can manifest as increased hunger, fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, and other hurdles, making it truly difficult to turn fasting into a daily habit. 

While some of the factors that contribute to micronutrient insufficiencies are in our control, others are not.


Modern Challenges: The Struggle for Nutrients

You’ve embraced healthy eating during the feeding days, and you've prioritized nutrient-packed meals. That’s a good start, but unfortunately a healthy diet alone might not be enough. You see, our modern world has a way of stripping away nutrients from our lives in more ways than one:

1. Fruits & Veggies Are Less Nutritious: Modern agricultural practices have changed the game. Our fruits and vegetables may look pretty, but they don't carry the nutritional punch they once did. Decades of intensive farming have left our soil depleted of the good stuff. Those colorful veggies on our plate? They might not be as nutrient-rich as we’d like them to be.

2. Food Processing Disrupts Nutrition: Processed foods – they're convenient, but they come with a cost. Not only are they nutritionally empty, but they can also contain additives that can mess with our gut microbiome. And a disrupted microbiome can disrupt our body's ability to make the most of the nutrients we consume.

3. Lifestyle Factors Drain Nutrients: The pace of life today can take a toll on our nutrient levels. Stress, that extra cup of coffee (admit, I’m guilty of it!), medications, pollutants in the air, and even the quality of the water we drink – they all chip away at our nutrient reserves. It's an eye-opener, realizing that our bodies might be missing out on vital nutrition.

When the Fasting Clock Ticks, Micronutrient Reserves May Run Even Lower

But let's zoom in on the real challenge – fasting. It’s not just that we bring pre-existing nutrient imbalances to the fast. Fasting itself can drive our bodies further into imbalance, inducing symptoms and making it harder to get results.

Here's why this may happen:

1. Dietary Shifts: For some, fasting can naturally lead to a reduction in daily calorie intake. When we prioritize healthy eating, it can be hard to consume the same number of calories in two meals as we would in three. As a result, intermittent fasting often results in the limitation of our primary source of essential micronutrients - food itself. Less healthy foods = less micronutrients.

2. Electrolyte Depletion: During a fast, insulin levels plummet, and our glycogen stores get depleted. We lose water and essential charged minerals, also known as electrolytes, at a faster rate. This may lead to headache, fatigue, irritability, and muscle cramps, and most importantly - mixed signals of hunger. It’s not something you hear about often, but it’s the reason some of us cut fasting journeys short. 

3. Personal Health: How much we need in the nutrient department during a fast can depend on our personal health factors like insulin sensitivity, the state of our gut microbiome, and how the body responds to the hormonal changes during fasting period. It's not one-size-fits-all, and depending on your unique body you need a little more or a little less of certain micronutrients to keep the engine running smoothly.



Do you really need supplements on a fast?

The debate continues, but here's our take: fasting, just like supplements, isn't a one-size-fits-all solution.

Assuming you decide for yourself fasting is for you (and have a green light from your medical professional), fasting goes beyond just self-discipline. It's also about ensuring the body has the right nutrients it needs to tackle the fasting hours and run processes smoothly.

While it's challenging to pinpoint specific nutrient imbalances our body might be missing, suffering through fasting isn't a rite of passage. Hunger during fasting is natural, but other symptoms shouldn't be considered inevitable. Instead, consider addressing these issues through a "trial and error" approach:

- Learn effective stress management techniques.
- Strive for 7-8 hours of restful sleep per day.
- Prioritize nutritious foods during your feeding window.
- Enhance hydration with a pinch of salt in your water.
- Explore the potential benefits of incorporating our Morning Boost into your fasting routine to improve your fasting experience.

morning boost

Our signature formula is developed specifically for a morning fast with a goal to help improve your daily mental performance and physical well-being.
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